Privacy notice

Cuevas Exports, S.A. de C.V. (“Cuevas Exports”), located at Matias Romero 1221, 1st floor, Colonia Del Valle, Alcaldia Benito Juarez, C.P. 03100, Mexico City, is responsible for the treatment and protection of your personal data and in compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares), its Regulations and the Guidelines for the Privacy Notice (the “Privacy Law”) provides this privacy notice to inform you of the terms and conditions for the treatment of your personal data.

The personal data obtained by us through any means whether verbal or written, shall be used for a better rendering of our services, evaluate the quality of the services, elaborate and develop surveys, create and maintain a registry in our data base, billing, publicity and marketing, maintain our customers, partners and / or employees updated of relevant subjects to them, sharing relevant news of the company, for our recruiting internal process, comply with the obligations contracted with our customers and suppliers and, comply with our payment obligations. For the aforementioned purposes, we might collect the following personal data: name, address, telephone, email, occupation, position, birth date, birthplace, name and address of the company, photographs, unique population registry key (clave única de registro de población) (or equivalent), tax id, banking information, payment information and information for billing.

In terms of the Privacy Law, you expressly agree and authorize any transfer of your personal data made by Cuevas Exports to related companies, suppliers or customers. Any transfer of your information shall comply, at all times, with the Privacy Law.

You have the right to access, rectify, cancel your personal data, as well as oppose the processing of such data, limit its use or disclosure, or revoke the consent granted herein by sending an email to

Cuevas Exports might modify, update or supplement this privacy notice at any time, to implement updates, new security measures, or comply with new legal requirements, internal policies, or for other reasons. Any modification shall be published in the web page For any doubt or clarification related to the personal data provided, you might contact us at or +52 55 1519 4800.

Date of last update: September 2020